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Hi teacher friends! My name is Emily, and I am the teacher behind The Biology Buzz Place. I create different types of resources that can be used in middle school or high school biology and health classrooms. In this site you will find lab/lesson ideas and material that you can try with your students and see successful outcomes.

Why use The Biology Buzz Place Products?

1. They are EFFECTIVE.

I have had students in my class who were not very fond of biology or health that actually seemed to get into my lessons when I used some of these resources. I have seen success with students meeting learning goals and objectives using these products. I have even had students come and tell me they liked to learn off of my PowerPoints/PDFs because they were easy to follow and understand and had lots of interesting facts. Others said my class inspired them to go into the medical/health field. 

2. They can SAVE you time. 

If you are like me, you are super busy with a weekly to-do-list that is longer than your arm. Using my labs and lesson ideas can SAVE you time searching online for different activities to incorporate into your classes, as can the products in my store can as well, with ready to go PDF notes, thinking bingos, and worksheets all in one spot.

3. Getting them is EASY.

Everything in the store is digital download resources which means that you can get them ready to use in minutes. No having to wait for them in the mail. They are just a click away.

Outside of work....

In my home life, I have three beautiful children whom I am very proud of. One is my foster son whom I have known since he was eleven.  I became a foster parent when an acquaintance told me about an eleven-year-old boy who recently lost both his parents in a house fire. It was not in my plans to foster at the time as I had too much on my "to-do-list" plate still. I was busy working on my teaching credential while working as a full-time substitute teacher. I was used to free time spent with friends at my leisure and happy doing my own thing. My only dependent was my pet rabbit. I was certainly not at a point in my life where I was even remotely thinking of bringing a young kid in my life to care for. Becoming a full-time teacher at the time was my goal and the main thing on my mind. I did not at all expect the change that was to come in my life. But, yes, somehow I felt a higher calling. I heard his story, and for what ever reason, decided to become a foster parent. 

To keep a very long story short, fostering was a beautiful experience that I am thankful for God for the opportunity to cross his path in life. There were tough times as he had much anger due to his grief. His therapist was A plus in helping him get out of his dark place. Today this, now young man, is happily married and working as a successful restaurant chef and has a sweet son that he is a wonderful father to.

If I can leave you with one non-Instructional tip as a teacher, it would be to let your students know that you care about them because you never know what some of them are going through in their personal lives. Some have experienced losses similar to my foster son's. They may wear a smile on their face yet have a heavy heart inside. So, yes, be great in how you teach and what you teach, but also show them that you care about them.

While you may not be able to be there for them full-time in their daily lives, you can still impact them a lot by being a daily positive and caring role model for that time that they are with you in your class. Teaching is hard work and what you do matters-A LOT.





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