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Handheld Whiteboards and Student Learning

Most students love writing on dry erase boards. There is just something about writing and erasing on them that students tend to like, so why not have students write answers on then instead of on paper in a class test review? If this sounds interesting to you, I recommend you try using these handheld response whiteboards in your classes. They are sure to be a useful addition to your classroom.

They are good for using to review for tests. In my Teachers Pay Teachers store I have two digital download products: the 30 Digital Biology Quizzes and 16 Digital Health and Human Body System Quizzes. These quizzes have the same layout and look you see below (Here is a sample from the human senses quiz)-both sets are perfect to use for in class reviews to prepare for upcoming tests.

A day or two before their test have the review questions ready to post on to the big class screen, then:

1. Divide the class into teams of 4. Give each group a whiteboard and dry erase marker.

2. Give each team a name and keep score to see which team gets the most answers correct.

3. Post the quiz question and answer choice for all to see on the class white screen and give

the teams around 2 minutes or less to write down their answer to a question.

4. The team with the most answers right can receive an extra 5 points on

their next test, or earn some small tangible reward, if you give these out in your classes.

You can also use these handheld whiteboards to check for understanding during a regular lesson. While taking notes, ask questions about the topic and ask students to write their answers on their own whiteboard and then ask them to hold it up. You can see who got the answer correct by glancing through their boards. You can also use these when teaching a lesson on Punnett Squares. Students can solve problems on their own using these.

Why I like using these in the classroom:

1. Promotes social skills building in your classroom.

2. It is a fun way to review for a test.

3. You see immediately by looking at the boards who might be struggling with the topic.

4. You see immediately which parts of the notes maybe you need to reteach or teach

differently next time if too many missed.

5. Builds student engagement.

6. Saves paper.

Like my blinged up desk bell? I use these to get students' attention, like when time's up for answering a question.

This bell helps me get students’ attention and saves my voice a bit, and students love it! I can't tell you how many students have come up wanting to hold this decorated bell or have asked me if they can press the bell. Students like it and teachers can definitely use it for classroom management.

To make your own blinged bell simply buy a standard desk bell then decorate it with sticky gem craft material that you can buy at any craft store. This is also a nice Christmas gift idea for teachers or for nice gift for Teacher Appreciation week. Simply choose the color of gems your child's teacher likes, figure out a nice pattern, then using a hot glue gun glue the gems on to the base of the desk bell (gems are less likely to fall off it hot glued). And if you have kids at home, having them decorate the bell is also a great way to get your older child off of screen time and get them into creative time instead :). So, go ahead, and try these ideas at home and in the classroom! Hope it helps you out.

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