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Imagine Your Perfect Classroom

Summer is the time most teachers start to plan for their upcoming school year. Yes, they are off. Some may take a vacation or two, but in between most teachers are usually thinking of new lessons they want to do with their classes. Maybe this is you? You might be questioning what lessons you will be including in your biology and health classes next year. What labs will you have for each unit? Which ones will require special material or equipment? Do you or your department have all the resources needed to implement these lessons and labs? Do you have the funds for the materials you will need? All these thoughts racing through your mind can be overwhelming, especially the financial aspect of it all. I know because I’ve been there.

This is why I wanted to share with you a teacher-need centered website called DonorChoose. If you haven't heard of DonorsChoose, you really should check it out. DonorsChoose is an online platform where teachers reach out to donors by showcasing their requests/needs for their classroom. Then people from anywhere can choose to fun these items. A donor might put in the full cost of your request, or they may put in a partial amount, hoping other doners will chip in the rest. I have had MANY items donated to my classroom through this platform! I love DonorsChoose and I love the kind people who have so generously given to my students and I through them. My students greatly benefited from their generosity. They rock! They really do.

Through DonorsChoose I have acquired many awesome resources for my classes, such as:

1. Life size Human Skeleton Model on Wheels

2. Desk Top DNA Model

3. Class Set Petri dishes and Agar

4. Large Two-Sided Easel White Board

5. Several Human Knee, Ear, Eye, and Heart Models

6. Plastic Male and Female Reproductive System Diagrams

7. Class Set of Prepared Mitosis Microscope Slides

8. Class Set of Dissection Kits

9. Large Easel Pads for Group Work Presentations

10. Class Set of Beakers

11. Class set of Stopwatches

12. Hot Plates

13. Cardboard Shelving Cubby with Colored Trays for Submitting Assignments

14. And much more!

How to Get Started

To get started on DonorsChoose, first decide what it is you need. There may be many things you want or need for your classroom or lessons, especially if you are new to teaching, as it can take some time to acquire all the materials you need. Whether you teach art, math, ELA, ESL, history, economics, orchestra, or science; most teachers need a lot of things in order to run their classes the way they want to. To begin. focus on the thing/s you need or want the most.

For example, maybe you need a class set of new safety goggles for a particular lab because the ones you currently have are worn out and old and on their last leg so to speak. Or maybe you need a class set of mini whiteboards and dry erase markers, or chemicals for special labs. Maybe you need a workstation with 6 boxes for students to turn their work in to. You can ask for more than one resource for a project. For example, you may need enough markers, easel pads, and sticky notes for all of your classes to be able to do a certain type of group activity with them. You can ask for all three of these items at one time. Once you have zeroed in on what it is you want to ask for, go to DonorsChoose and sign up to set up an account with them. They will then walk you through the steps to write about your donation request. It's really simple and only takes a little bit of time to sit down and do it.

How will the Donation Impact You and Your Students?

Be sure to describe your product’s need in detail and include how your students will benefit from the item/s. In your writing description be sure to talk about how your students will benefit from and use the donated material. When will they use it? Will it help them be able to take part in an engaging lab activity? Will it be used in cooperative learning groups? Will it hone creativity and critical thinking skills? Will it help get your classroom more organized? Will the resource be used again in the future, or just used one time? What obstacles are keeping you from getting these items yourself? What would it mean to you if you got these items for your classes? These are some main points you will want to hit on in your request letter.

Show Enthusiasm

Be sure to close your writing by thanking the potential donor for taking time to read what you had to say. Remind them just how much it would mean to you to be able to attain these products and the impact it will have on your students. Put your HEART into your writing when setting up your donation request page. It makes a huge difference! You will be more likely to get the things you want for your classes if you do this. Let your enthusiasm for your profession and love for your students shine through! DonorsChoose donors are kind people who want to help teachers inspire, educate, and lift up their students. They know money for these things can be limiting for you as a teacher and want to take away the financial hurdles you face. So be sure to speak from the heart when writing your proposal and you’ll be more likely have your material funded!

Share, Share, Share…

Once you have an account with them and have your donation page up and running, you will want to share your DonorsChoose site to those you know on social media, texts, and emails. As you share, ask others to keep sharing your page. You will be surprised at how quickly you can get your project’s goals met. Maybe you have a birthday coming up? Ask your aunt if she would be willing to donate to your classroom for your next birthday, or maybe your big brother, or your bestie will consider chipping in for your big day? Students’ parents can be kept in the loop, as well, as most parents love to help out their child's teachers financially if they are able to. Maybe you and your family celebrate Christmas? This can be a good way to spread some joy in your classroom!

Thank you Letters…

After you have received your donations and used them in your class, you will want to take pictures of the products in use. Make sure you have permission from your student’s parents to take their pictures first. Then you can send pictures of students using the donated products to the donors. You can also take pictures students from behind using them, but not showing their faces. Whatever you do photo-wise, be sure to get written consent from your students’ parents or guardians. DonorChoose has guidelines for the photos used in your “thank you packages” that you will want to read through. Along with pictures of the products in use, you will have your students write thank you letters to the donors. You, the teacher, will write your own thank you letter as well, called an impact letter that will make the donors feel good about having funded your project!

A Win-Win!

Once you submit the letters to DonorsChoose, they will do their part and send them to the donors. Writing thank you letters is a great way to teach your students about showing gratitude and appreciation to people who have shown kindness to them, and donors love to receive them! It's a win-win-for all! Now, there is just one thing left to say, or ask I guess: Will you use DonorsChoose, and if so, how will you use it?

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